About Tara

Tara Fleur 'Woman of Bones' is a mixed media artist, art tutor and therapist trained at The London Guildhall University, MA (Fine Art) as well as completing an Advanced Diploma (Art as Therapy) and a Nursing Degree (Mental Health).

Her work is an exploration of the psychological and anatomical aspects of the 'self'. Inspired by Carl Jung 'The Archetypal Self' and James Hillman 'The Image as Soul' Tara dives deep into her own 'self' and the 'self of others' to create art that dialogues with the viewer without words but with psyche & soul.

Tara is also committed to enabling others to explore and create art via one-to-one tuition and/or small workshops as a means of expressing & embracing themselves without inhibitions, trepidations, or 'self' doubt.

For information on one-to-one tuition and/or small workshops run in a beautiful therapeutic studio space in Essex please contact Tara via email, mobile or submit a question or comment via the online form.

You can also contact Tara to discuss prices of art pieces for sale across this website. Tara also accepts commissions… please contact her to discuss.

Thank you

07880 348564